Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Forexindo Handel Paling Einfachen Zucker

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Sprache: Englisch Wörter: 19.070 Kapitel: 8 Kommentare: 3 Lesezeichen: 1 Hits: 28Monat: Juli 2012 Label: Dworkin-2003 Titel: Fortschritte bei neuropathischen Schmerzen 8211 Diagnose, Mechanismen und Therapieempfehlungen Journal: ARCH NEUROL, 60 (11): In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die vorliegende Erfindung durch die vorliegende Erfindung, die in der US-A-5,309,404 beschrieben ist, beschrieben. Die vorliegende Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von MSWatkins, LRWeinstein, SM Adressen: Univ Rochester, Sch Med amp Dent, Dept Anesthesiol, 601 Elmwood Ave, Box 604, Rochester, NY 14642 USA Univ Rochester, 2003 Titel: Pregabalin zur Behandlung von postherpetischer Neuralgie 8211 Eine randomisierte, placebo-kontrollierte Studie Zeitschrift: NEUROLOGY, 60 (8): 1274-1283 APR 22 2003 Citation: HGarofalo, EAPoole, RM Anschrift: Univ Rochester, Sch Med amp Dent, 601 Elmwood Ave, Kasten 604, Rochester, NY 14642 USA Univ Rochester, Sch Med amp Dent, Rochester, NY 14642 USA Pfizer Global Res amp Dev, Ann Arbor, MI USABack to Map Label: Ballantyne-2003 Titel: Opioidtherapie bei chronischen Schmerzen Journal: N ENGL J MED, 349 (20): 1943-1953 NOV 13 2003 Zitate: 162 Autoren: Ballantyne, JCMao, JR Anschrift: Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Anastasia amp Crit Care, Pain Ctr, Boston, Massachusetts Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Dept Anesthesia amp Crit Care, Schmerz Ctr, Boston, MA 02114 USA Harvard Univ, Sch Med, Boston, Massachusetts USABack to Map Dissertation: Duloxetine vs. Placebo bei Patienten mit schmerzhafter diabetischer Neuropathie Zeitschrift: PAIN, 116 (1-2): 109-118 JUL 2005 Zitate: Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis, IN 46282 USA Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA McLean Hosp, Abteilung Psychiat, Belmont, MA 02178 USA Harvard Univ, Sch Med, Boston, MA USA Label: Finnerup-2005 Titel: Algorithmus für neuropathische Schmerzbehandlung: Ein Beweis Basierten Vorschlag Journal: PAIN, 118 (3): 289-305 DEC 5 2005 Zitate: 143 Autoren: Finnerup, NBOtto, MMCQuay, HJJensen, TSSindrup, SH Adressen: Aarhus Univ Hosp, dänischer Schmerz Res Ctr, Dept Neurol, Aarhus Sygehus, Norrebrogade 44, Aarhus 8000, Dänemark Aarhus Univ Hosp, Dänischer Schmerz Res Ctr, Dept Neurol, Aarhus Sygehus, Aarhus 8000, Dänemark Odense Univ Hosp, Dept Neurol, Odense 5000, Dänemark Churchill Hosp, Schmerzlinderung, Oxford OX3 7LJ, : Gilron, IBailey, JMTu, DSHolden, RRWeaver, DFHoulden: Gilron-2005 Titel: Morphin, Gabapentin oder ihre Kombination für neuropathische Schmerzen. N ENGL J MED, 352 (13): 1324-1334 MAR 31 2005 , KSL 2V7, Kanada Queens Univ, Dept Pharmacol amp Toxicol, Kingston, ON K7L 2V7, Kanada Queens Univ, Dept Anesthesiol, 76 Stuart St, Kingston, ON K7L 2V7, Kanada Queens Univ, Dept Anesthesiol, Univ, Dept Math amp Stat, Kingston, ON K7L 2V7, Kanada Queens Univ, Dept Epidemiol amp Gemeinschaft Hlth, Kingston, ON K7L 2V7, Kanada Queens Univ, Abt Psychol, Kingston, ON K7L 2V7, Kanada Queens Univ, Dept Med, Div Endstudie: Pregabalin zur Behandlung der schmerzhaften diabetischen peripheren Neuropathie : Eine doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte Studie Journal: PAIN, 110 (3): 628-638 AUG 2004 Zitate: 141 Autoren: Rosenstock, JMichael, TBLaMoreaux, LSharma, U Adressen: Dallas Diabet amp Endo Res Ctr, 7777 Forest Lane , Dallas, TX 75230 USA Dallas Diabet amp Endo Res Ctr, Dallas, TX 75230 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Opioid-Therapie für chronische peripheren und zentralen neuropathischen Schmerzen Journal: N Engl J Med, 348 (13): 1223-1232 27. März 2003 Citations: 127 Autoren: Rowbotham, MCTwilling, LDavies, PSReisner, LTaylor, KMohr, D-Adressen: Univ Calif San San Francisco, CA 94115 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Univ Calif San Francisco, Sch Med, Dept Anesthesia, San Francisco, CA 94115 USA Univ Calif San Francisco, Sch Pharm, San Francisco, CA 94115 USA Beschriftung: Arnold-2004 Titel: Eine doppelblinde, multizentrische Studie, in der Duloxetin mit Placebo verglichen wird Die Behandlung von Fibromyalgiepatienten mit oder ohne depressive Hauptstörung Journal: ARTHRITIS RHEUM, 50 (9): 2974-2984 SEP 2004 Zitate: 122 Autoren: Arnold, LMLu, YLCrofford, LjWohlreich, MDetke, MJIyengar, SGoldstein, Cincinnati, OH 45219 USA Univ Cincinnati, Coll Med, Cincinnati, OH 45219 USA Eli Lilly amp Co, Indianapolis, IN 46285 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Indianapolis, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Schmerz: systematische Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit Journal: PAIN, 112 (3): 372-380 DEC 2004 Zitate: 122 Autoren: Kalso, EEdwards, JEMoore, RAMcQuay, HJ Adressen: Univ Helsinki, Schmerzklinik, Dept Anästhesie amp Intens Clin, Dept Anästhesie amp Intens Care Med, Cent Hosp, FIN-00029 HUS, Finnland Univ Oxford, Oxford Radcliffe Hosp, Schmerzen Res amp Nuffield Dept Anaesthet , Oxford OX3 7LJ, England Label: Goldenberg-2004 Titel: Management von Fibromyalgie-Syndrom Zeitschrift: JAMA-J AM MED ASSN, 292 (19): 2388-2395 NOV 17 2004 Zitate: 119 Autoren: Goldenberg, DLBurckhardt, CCrofford, L Adressen : Newton Wellesley Hosp, Dept Rheumatol, Newton, MA 02462 USA Newton Wellesley Hosp, Dept Rheumatol, Newton, MA 02462 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten Oregon Hlth amp Sci Univ, Sch (USA, USA, USA, USA) Univ Michigan, Sch Med, Dept Interne Med, Div Rheumatol, Ann Arbor, MI USA Label: Lesser-2004 Titel: Pregabalin lindert Symptome einer schmerzhaften diabetischen Neuropathie 8211 A randomisierte kontrollierte Studie Journal: NEUROLOGY, 63 (11 ): 2104-2110 DEC 14 2004 Zitate: 117 Autoren: Lesser, HSHarma, ULaMoreaux, LPoole, RM Ansprechpartner: 1415 Portland Ave, Suite 480, Rochester, NY 14621 USA Univ Rochester, Respiratorische Therapie bei der Behandlung von Fibromyalgie-Syndrom 8211 Ergebnisse einer randomisierten, doppelblinden, placebokontrollierten Studie Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie KHR, K., K., K., K., K., K., K., K., K., K., K.; J-503740 S Limestone St, Lexington, KY 40539 USA Kentucky Clin, Lexington, KY 40539 USA Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA Univ Kalifornien San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA Rheumatol Associates, Seattle, WA USA Schwedisch Med Ctr , Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Univ Rochester, Und die Schlafstörungen bei Patienten mit postherpetischer Neuralgie verbessern: Ergebnisse einer randomisierten, placebokontrollierten klinischen Studie Journal: PAIN, 109 (1-2): 26-35 MAY 2004 Zitate: 108 Autoren: Sabatowski, RGalvez, RCherry , Univ Köln, Anasthesiol Klin, Abt. Anaesthesiol, D-50924 Köln, Deutschland Univ Hosp Virgen Nieves , Schleswig-Holstein, Darmstadt, Deutschland Dornröschen in der Behandlung von Depressionen 8211 Ein doppelblind-Placebo-kontrollierter Vergleich mit Paroxetin Journal: J. Clin Psychopharmacol, 24 (4): 389-399 August 2004 Citations: 107 Autoren: Goldstein, DJLu, YLDetke, MJWiltse, CMallinckrodt, CDemitrack, MA Adressen: Eli Lilly amp Co, Lilly Corp Ctr, Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis polis~~POS=HEADCOMP, IN 46285 USA Eli Lilly amp Co, Lilly Corp Ctr, Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis polis~~POS=HEADCOMP, IN 46285 USA PRN Consulting, Indianapolis polis~~POS=HEADCOMP, IN USA Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Dept Pharmacol amp Toxicol, Indianapolis polis~~POS=HEADCOMP, IN 46204 USA Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, Indianapolis, IN 46204 USA McLean Hosp, Dept Psychiat, Belmont, MA 02178 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Neuropathische Schmerzen, die in einer 12-wöchigen randomisierten, doppelblinden, multizentrischen, placebokontrollierten Studie von flexiblen und festen Dosisregulationen evaluiert wurden Journal: PAIN, 115 (3): 254-263 JUN 2005 Zitate: 97 Autoren: Freynhagen, RStrojek, KGriesing, TWhalen, EBalkenohl, Adressen M: Univ Klinikum Düsseldorf, Anästhesiol Klin, Moorenstr 5, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Deutschland Univ Klinikum Düsseldorf, Anästhesiol Klin, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Deutschland Abteilung Interne Dis Diabetol amp Nephrol, Zabrze, Polen Duloxetin in der akuten und langfristigen Therapie der depressiven Hauptdepression: eine Placebo - und Paroxetin-kontrollierte Studie Zeitschrift: EUR NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL, 14 (6): 457-470 DEC 2004 Zitierweise: 89 Autoren: Detke, MJWiltse, CGMallinckrodt, CHMcNamara, RKDemitrack, MABitter, I Adressen: Eli Lilly amp Co, Lilly Corp Ctr, Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis, IN 46285 USA Eli Lilly amp Co, Lilly Corp Ctr, Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis, IN 46285 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA McLean Hosp, Dept Psychiat, Belmont, MA 02178 USA Harvard Univ, , MA 02115 USA Neuronet Inc, Malvern, USA USA Semmelweis Univ Med, Psychotherapeutische Psychotherapie, H-1085 Budapest, Ungarn Richter-2005 Title: Relief der schmerzhaften diabetischen peripheren Neuropathie mit Pregabalin: Eine randomisierte, placebo-kontrollierte Studie : J Schmerz, 6 (4): 253-260 APR 2005 Zitate: 83 Autoren: Richter, RWPortenoy, RSharma, ULamoreaux, LBockbrader, HKnapp, LE Beth Israel Med Ctr, , New York, NY, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika -2005 Titel: Eine doppelblinde, randomisierte multizentrische Studie, in der Duloxetin mit Placebo im Management von diabetischen peripheren neuropathischen Schmerzen verglichen wird. Zeitschrift: PAIN MED, 6 (5): 346-356 SEP-OCT 2005 Zitate: 78 Autoren: Raskin, JPritchett, YLWang, FJD8217Souza, DNWaninger, ALIyengar, SWernicke, JF-Adressen: Eli Lilly Kanada, Lilly Res Labs, 3650 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ON MIN 2E8, Kanada Eli Lilly Kanada, Lilly Res Labs, Toronto, ON MIN 2E8, Kanada Eli Lilly amp Co, Lilly Corp Ctr, Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis, IN 46285 USA Label: Eisenberg-2005 Titel: Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Opioid-Agonisten bei der Behandlung von neuropathischen Schmerzen nichtmaligner Herkunft 8211 Systematische Überprüfung und Metaanalyse von randomisierten kontrollierten Studien Zeitschrift: JAMA-J AM MED ASSN, 293 (24): 3043-3052 JUN 22 2005 Zitate: 75 Autoren: Eisenberg, EMcNicol, EDCarr, DB Adressen: Rambam Med Ctr, Schmerzlinderung, POB 9602, IL-31096 Haifa, Israel Rambam Med-Ctr, Schmerzlinderung-Abteilung, IL-31096 Haifa, Israel Technion Israel Inst Technol, Haifa Schmerzen Res Grp, Haifa, Israel Tufts New England Med Ctr, Dept Anästhesie, Boston, MA USA Tufts New England Med Ctr, Div Clin Care Res, Boston, MA USA Tufts Univ, Sch Med, Boston, MA 02111 USA Label: Arnold-2005 Titel: Eine randomisierte, doppelblinde, Placebo-kontrollierte Studie von Duloxetin in der Behandlung von Frauen mit Fibromyalgie mit oder ohne depressive Hauptstörung Journal: PAIN, 119 (1-3): 5-15 DEC 15 2005 Zitate: 68 Autoren: Arnold, LMRosen, APritchett, YLD8217Souza, DNGoldstein, DJIyengar, Univ Cincinnati, Coll Med, Frauen Hlth Res-Programm, Dept Psychiat, Cincinnati, OH 45219 USA Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis , USA, Indiana Univ, Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Indianapolis, IN 46204 USA PRN Consulting, Indianapolis, IN 46204 USA Label: Furlan-2006 Titel: Opioide für chronische noncancer Schmerzen: eine Meta-Analyse der Wirksamkeit und Nebenwirkungen Zeitschrift: CAN MED ASSN J , 175 (11): 1589-1594 MAY 23 2006 Zitate: 63 Autoren: Furlan, ADSandoval, JAMailis-Gagnon, ATunks, E Adressen: Toronto Western Hosp, Verständnisschmerzprogramm, 399 Bathurst St, Rm 4F811, Toronto, ON M5T 2S8 , Toronto, Ontario, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Toronto, Ontario M5T 2S8, Kanada Univ Toronto, Ctr Study Pain, Toronto, ON, Kanada Toronto West Hosp, Krembil Neurosci Ctr, (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) Neurologische Erkrankungen der Neuropathie und Neurochirurgie 1153-1169 NOV 2006 Zitationen: 50 Authors: Attal, NCruccu, GHaanpaa, MHansson, PJensen, TSNurmikko, TSampaio, CSindrup, SWiffen, P Anschrift: Hop Ambroise Pare, Ctr Auswertung amp Traitement Douleur, EFNS Panel Neuropath Pain, Boulogne, Frankreich Hop Ambroise Pare, Ctr Bewertung amp Traitement Douleur, EFNS Panel Neuropath Schmerz, Boulogne, Frankreich Hop Ambroise Pare, Ctr Auswertung Douleur, INSERM, U792, Boulogne, Frankreich Univ Versailles St Quentin, Boulogne, Frankreich Univ Versailles St Quentin, Boulogne, Frankreich Univ Hospital, Helsinki, Finnland Univ Hosp, Karolinska Inst, Abt Mol-Med, Stockholm, Univ-Hospital, Univ-Hospital, Helsinki Univ Hosp, Dept Anästhesiol, Schmerzklinik, Helsinki, Schweden Univ Hosp, Karolinska Inst, Surg Sekt Clin Pain Res, Stockholm, Schweden Univ Hosp, Karolinska Inst, Pain Ctr, Dept Neurosurg, Stockholm, Schweden Aarhus Univ Hosp, Dept Neurol, DK-8000 Aarhus, Dänemark Aarhus Univ Hosp, Res Ctr, DK-8000 Aarhus, Dänemark Univ Liverpool, Schmerz Res Inst, Div Neurol Sci, Sch Clin Sci, Liverpool L69 3BX, Merseyside, Vereinigtes Königreich Univ Lissabon, Inst Farmacol amp Terapeut Geral, Lissabon Sch Med, P-1699 Lissabon, Portugal Duloxetine 60 mg einmal täglich in der Behandlung von schmerzhaften körperlichen Symptomen bei Patienten mit depressiven Störungen. Depression, Morbus Crohn, Morbus Crohn, Morbus Crohn Journalismus und Psychotherapie in den USA und in den USA, in den USA und in anderen Ländern Eli Lilly amp Co, Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis, IN 46285 USA Cyberon, Houston, TX 77058 USA Stanford Univ, Dept Psychiat, Behav Sci, Stanford, 94305 USA Label: Martell-2007 Titel: Systematische Überprüfung: Opioidbehandlung für chronische Rücken Schmerz: Prävalenz, Wirksamkeit und Assoziation mit Sucht Zeitschrift: ANN INTERN MED, 146 (2): 116-127 JAN 16 2007 Zitate: 46 Autoren: Martell, BAO8217Connor, PGKerns, RDBecker, WCMorales, KHKosten, TRFiellin, DA Adressen: Yale Schillerstr. 2, D-80573 Bad Dürkheim, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland E-Mail an die Adresse: E-Mail Adresse: * E-Mail: * * So bezeichnete Angaben müssen Sie obligatorisch aussehen 19104 USA Label: Ballantyne-2007 Titel: Opioidabhängigkeit und - sucht bei Opioidbehandlung chronischer Schmerzen Journal: PAIN, 129 (3): 235-255 JUN 2007 Zitate: 32 Autonomen: Ballantyne, JCLaForge, KS Adressen: Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Schmerzmittel, Schmerz Ctr, 15 Parkman St, WACC 333, Boston, MA 02114 USA Univ Helsinki, Finnisches Genom Ctr, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finnland Label: Ives-2006 Title: Prädiktoren des Opioidmissbrauchs bei Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzen: eine prospektive Kohortenstudie Zeitschrift: BMC HEALTH SERV RES, 6: art. Nr. 46 - APR 4 2006 Zitate: 29 Autoren: Ives, TJChelminski, PRHammett-Stabler, CAMalone, RMPerhac, JSPotisek, NMShilliday, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA Univ N Carolina, Sch Pharm, Div Pharmakotherapie amp Expt Therapeut, Chapel Hill, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Univ N Carolina, Sch Med, Dept Pathol amp Lab MED, Chapel Hill, NC Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Carolina Hlth Syst, Ctr Excellence Chron Krankheit Pflege, Chapel Hill, NC USA Label: Arnold-2007 Titel: Gabapentin bei der Behandlung von Fibromyalgie 8211 Eine randomisierte, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte, multizentrische Studie Zeitschrift: ARTHRITIS RHEUM, 56 (4): 1336-1344 APR 2007 Citation: Cincinnati, Coll Med, Med Künste Bldg, 222 Piedmont Ave, Suite 8200, Cincinnati, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, OH 45219 USA Univ Cincinnati, Coll Med, Cincinnati, OH 45219 USA Newton Wellesley Hosp, Newton, Massachusetts Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika McLean Hosp, Belmont, MA 02178 USA Harvard Univ, Sch Med, Boston, MA 02115 USA Label: Vinik-2007 Titel: Lamotrigin zur Behandlung von Schmerzen im Zusammenhang mit diabetischer Neuropathie: Ergebnisse zweier randomisierter, doppelblinder, placebo-kontrollierter Studien Zeitschrift: PAIN, 128 (1-2): 169-179 MAR 2007 Zitate: 286 Autoren und Autorinnen: Vinik, AITuchman, MSafirstein, BCorder, CKirby, LWilks, KQuessy, SBlum, DGrainger, JWhite, JSilver, M Ansprechpartner: Eastern Virginia Med Sch, Inst Diabet, Inst. GmbH & Co. KG, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Nordrhein - MD USA Glaxosmithkline Inc., Res Triangle Pk, NC USA Label: Raskin-2007 Titel: Die Wirksamkeit von Duloxetin auf die Kognition, Depressionen und Schmerzen bei älteren Patienten mit Major Depression: Ein 8-wöchigen, doppelblinden, Placebo-kontrollierten Studie Journal : AMER J Psychiat, 164 (6): 900-909 Juni 2007 Citations: 17 Autoren: Raskin, JWiltse, CGSiegal, ASheikh, jxu, JDinkel, JJRotz, BTMohs, RC-Adressen: Eli Lilly Kanada, Lilly Res Labs, 3650 Danforth Ave , Toronto, ON M1N 2E8, Kanada Eli Lilly Kanada, Lilly Res Labs, Toronto, ON M1N 2E8, Kanada Eli Lilly amp Co, Lilly Res Labs, Indianapolis, IN 46285 USA Geriatr amp Adult Psychiat LLC, Hamden, CT USA Stanford Univ, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat amp Behav Sci, Stanford, CA 94305 USA KEYWORDS: Neuropathischer Schmerz BEHANDLUNG RANDOMISIERTEN Multizenterstudie VERGLEICH DULOXETINE Schmerzen bei diabetischer Polyneuropathie zentralen neuropathischen Schmerzen Neuropathische Schmerzen untersucht. 5770: (2.002-20.086) (CLI-NEU: ST Diabetes) PALEMBANG, Buana Sumsel - Badan narkotika Kota Palembang meringati Hari Anti Narkoba Internasional (HANI) Jahr 2010, kamis (24062010) bertempat di Gesellschafts Sriwijaya Hotels Swarna Dwipa No.02 Jalan Tasik Palembang. Dengan tema jauhkan narkoba dari kehidupan als lingkungan acara dibuka oleh Wakil Walikota Palembang H. Romi Herton, Sh. Kepala Satgas Luhper BNN Jakarta Kombes Pol. Dr. Victor Pudjiadi, Spb. FICS ,, DFN, dR Víctor pUDJIADI Telah NAIK PANGKAT Menjadi bRIGJEN pol, Selamat DR VICTOR, SAYA TERINGAT SAAT KITA Dulu MELATIH dikjur dokpol PENANGANAN DISASTER ANTARA Lain triase DAN PERTOLONGAN DISASTER DI LAUT Bersama SAT polair polri Ka. Lakhar Badan Narkotika Provinsi Chosali Hanan dan K. Lakhar Badan Narkotika Kota Palembang H. Zailani, UD. SIP DAN PALAGA SPM Dan SPASMK se kota palembang. Dalam kata sambutannya Wakil Walikota Palembang H. Romi Herton, SH Pada peringatan HANI Jahr 2010 mengatakan kita ketahui bahwa tidak ada satu negara di dunia ini Yang bebas Dari narkoba, sehingga peredaran gelap dan penyalagunaan bukanlah permasalahan Suatu negara, bangsa, kota melainkan merupakan masalah Nasional dan global yang memerlukan komitmen Kuat untuk memeranginya selain upaya pencegahan dan penindakan kejahatan narkoba, Perlu dicari solusiyang tepat untuk menekan peredaran dan pemakaian narkoba baik korban dan pelaku tindak kejahatan yang sudah Dibina Perlu dicari Solusi altenatif Agar tidak terjerumus lagi dibidang kejatahan narkoba kata Romi dampak yang ditimbulkan sangat luas yang meliputi berbagai Aspek kita Harus sepakat bahwa penyalagunaan dan peredaran gelap narkoba Harus ditanggulanggi bersama perigatan HANI ini bukanlah merupakan perayaan. Akan tetapi merupakan wujud keprihatinan dunia terhadap permasalahan narkoba. masyarakat kita juga berharap Agar Lembaga permasyarakatan tidak dipenuhi oleh nara pidana narkoba, Tempat Hiburan tidak jjadikan Basis peredaran narkoba, Pelajar tidak terjerat narkoba dan korban penyalagunaan narkoba dapat terlayani jelas Romi penegakan hukum pengungkapan kasus narkoba mengalami Peningkatan yaitu pada tahun 2007 berjumlah 194 kasus, tahun 2008 berjumlah 247 kasus dan tahun 2009 berjumlah hat ein neues Objekt erhalten: 551 kasus rata-rata pertahunnya terjadi peningkatan38,54. Kita patut bangga terhadap kinerja ini, namun kita juga patut prihatin karena ternyata masih banyak yang terlibat narkoba ujar Romi untuk pengobatan dibidang terapi als rehabilitasi dengan berbagai keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana belum banyak memberikan hasil yang memuaskan kontra di RS. Ernaldi bahar setiap bulan memberikan pelayanan pengobatan untuk warga kota palemabng 53 orang berbulan yang sebagaian pasien kambuhan layanan gelegen yang diberikan adalah layanan spritual di Yayasan ar-Rahman tegal binagun pada tahun 2000 Anzahl der Beiträge penderita yang dirawat 480 orang dan 215 orang diantaranya pasien rawat Jalan saya berharap kedepan berbagai implementasi Programm ini dapat diteruskan dan ditingkatkan ujarnya Diakhir acara HANI Jahr 2010 Waktu ditemui Ka. Lakhar Badan narkotika Kota Palembang H. Zailani, UD. SIP mengenai perkembangan narkoba di kota palembang mengatakan penyalagunaan narkoba dan itu yang tertangkap Dari tahun 2008 ke 2009 itu cukup tinggi sampai 80 yang tertangkap, artinya Usaha kita itu berhasil dengan harapan bila itu sudah ditangkap tentu peredaran itu Akan berkurang, karena orang-orang yang mengedarannya sudah ditangkap dan Sekarang juga untuk hukumannya sudah Berat Maksimal 10 tahun Sekarang tidak ada lagi yang Ringan kata Zailani diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak yang positif untuk memberikan efek jera karena dengan Undang-Undang keine 35 tahun 2009 itu hukuman Maksimal, Dari kasus pidana itu yang memegang rekok itu ganja dan ekstasi, putau tidak banyak Shabu-Shabu Dibawa itu kalau dilihat Dari tindak pidana itu usiannya adri 19 tahun samapi 35 tahun keatas . Disumsel ini untuk kota palembang pelakunya cukup tinggi ini yang diungkap. artinya kinerja petugas Yang didukung masyarakat cukup memuaskanjelas Zailani mudah-mudahan semangkin banyak Yang ditindak semangkin banyak Yang berkurang Daya edarnya dan orang yang memakainya, Sekarang hari ini kita kaitkan dengan Mereka Yang belum tersentuh oleh narkoba, Supaya Mereka tidak tersentuh narkoba harapan kita dengan momens ini Mari kita bangun kembali kalau ini diperlambat dipercepat, kalau yang tadi rendah ditingkatkan, moga-moga ini dapat mempersempit ruang gerak peredaran narkoba kedepan kita akan melakukan pencegahan, penegakan hukum ini yang terita kita lakukan karena visinya BNN tahun 2015 indonesien bebas narkoba jadi tahap ini lah Yang kita kerjakan jadi pada tahun 2015 orang tidak akan lagi menggunakan narkoba esu harapan kitaujarnya Sementara Kepala Satgas Luhper BNN Jakarta Kombes Pol. Dr. Victor Pudjiadi, Spb. FICS, DFN, mengatakan, Tempat-Tempat Yang rawan narkona itu diskotik, kantin sekolah, warung sekitarnya, dan faktor penyebabnya itu Pendidikan, sosial ekonomi budaya. Lingkungan dan keluarga. dan dimana di Indonesien 15000 pertahunnya orang yang tewas karena narkoba, (Fty Kombespol (p) Dr. Iwan suwandy, MHA Bagi undeinem Yang memiliki Koleksi terkait dengan Sejarah POLRI dan PUSDOKKES harap berkenan mengupload liwat Kommentar, Koleksi Dr. Iwan surat Dari ICCS Ära Perang vietnam 1994 berikut dengan foto dan plakatnya, surat ini dikirim oleh kaditlantas Riau ke Sumbar, foto di Flughafen saigon thon so nat Dari Mitglieder Nutzer kes pol (Mantan Keuangan Disdokkes Ära Pak Pamudji) dan Plakats ICCS yang ditemukan Dr. Iwan Dari Pasukan yang bertugas disana harap diklik dua kali pada ilustrasi untuk dapat melihatnya dengan jelas (a) Luftpost deckt von der indonesischen Konga VICCS Region V Saigon nach SKOMDAK III senden (West Sumatra Polizei-Hauptsitzen) Padang-Sumbar, Aufdruck INDONESIEN. mit Briefmarken Rate 81 Dong (7 Briefmarken) mit CDS TAN aN 30-1-1974 (Meine erste Postgeschichte des Vietnamkrieges wurde von der Polizei-Bürgermeisterin Suroto als Medizinpolizeiinspektor im Jahre 1975 gegeben, von dieser Postgeschichte an fing ich an, den Vietnamkrieg zu sammeln Postgeschichte auth) (b) ICCS Communications Centre Ton Son Nhut, das Foto der indonesischen Garuda Mission Armee und Polizei in der Vorderseite der Zentren (Dieses Foto wurde mir von Indonesien nationalen Polizei-Kapitän der medizinischen Gesundheitszentrum roten Pfeil, der die Garuda IV Indonesien ICCS Vietnam auth beigetreten) (c) unbenutzt Freier Hafen Spezieller Briefbogen Garuda IV Indonesien ICCS Vietnam, Garuda war Eagle Indonesien Nationales Emblem (PH) (d) Indonesischer Bürgermeister General Wiyogo Atmodarminto. Kommandant der Ivth-Garuda-Mission in Vietnam, um seine Männer zu untersuchen. (E) Die Teilnahme Indonesiens an der Upholding-Weltordnung ICCS in Vietnam 1973.-1975 unter Garuda IV, V und VII. Bei der Erfüllung ihrer Aufgabe erfüllte das ICCS viele Schwierigkeiten, da einige Punkte des parisb-Abkommens über die Beendigung des Krieges zwischen den USA und Vietnam konfliktreich waren. Dies führte Indonesien, um GARUDA VII aus Saigon im April 27,1975 herauszuziehen. Die Annexion von Südvietnam durch Nordvietnam war der Grund für den ersten Asäan-Gipfel in Bali, um erneut die Dringlichkeit zu betonen, die politische Stabilität in Südostasien zu bewahren. (F) Die ICCS Vietnam Plakette von Garuda IV Mission in Vietnam (Memorabilia) KHUSUS Untuk IRJENPOL (P) MUSSADEQ KHUSUS SAYA UPLOAD Koleksi TIMOR TIMOR SAAT KAMI BERTUGAS SAAT JAJAK PENDAPAT DISANA foto Dr. Iwan dan Kasidokkes Polda TimTim didepan TPS Dokkes Polda TimTim Yang setelah Jajak pendapat saat chaos dibakar masa, untung Dr. Iwan dan Pak Mussadeq telah kembali ke Bali und Jakarta satu hari setelah jajak pendapat. Die Osttimor-Sammlungen Ausstellung krank sehr selten Osttimor Top Gun mit Karte postalisch gelaufen von Dili Osttimor nach Jakarta Indonesien Frame One. Einleitung Ich hatte die Osttimor - und Timor portugiesischen Sammlungen während meiner Dienstzeit in West suamtra bei solok City, meinem Freund Bürgermeister Pol Dr Sundarun, gesammelt, als er im Dienst in Osttimor mir ein Dokument timor portugeus mit Einnahmen und Handzeichen des letzten Gouverneurs von sandte Timor portugeus (siehe Timor portugues Sammlungen Ausstellung in diesem Cybermuseum), auch einige Briefmarken zu. Ost-Timur nie ausgestellt lokalen Sondermarken, während dieser Zeit Republik Indonesien Stempel verwendet wurden. Ich habe einige Ost-Timor Postgeschichte von der indonesischen Armee im Dienst dort gemacht, regionale Polizei offiziellen Deckung, krank sehr selten Ost-Timor Top-Gun mit Karte postalisch verwendet Abdeckung von Dili Ost Timor nach Jakarta Indonesien und von meinem Freund Eko Prasetyo der besonderen Timor Timor Deckung von indonesischen Briefmarke auch ein sehr historisches Dokument Broschüre über den Ost-Timor-Kampf zu integrieren in Indonesien (Perjuangan Rakyat TIMITIm untuk Berintegrasi Ke Indonesien) wird in dieser Ausstellung zeigen Auch viele Ost-Timor politische Menschenrechts-Protestpostkarte ein Brief an Indonesien didnot senden Zeigen in dieser Ausstellung diese Kollektion nur für Premium Member. Ich habe 1994 die besten timor portugeus Kollektionen gefunden, als ich im Idonesia Police Headquater (MABES POLRI) im Dienst bin. Diese Kollektionen zeigen die Ausstellung Timor Portugeus Collections im Dr. Iwan Cybermuseum. Im Jahre 1999 habe ich im Dienst für Osttimor Refendum mein Profil Potraits mit Let. col. Pol, Dr. Mosadeq (jetzt Inspecteur Jendral Pol. (P)) in der Vorderseite des religiösen Amtes, die in Stücke gebrochen durch die native Protest. , Zwei Wochen und zurück einen Tag nach Refendum durch den letzten Flug von Dili nach Bali, einige interessante Ost-Timor Postgeschichte. Refendum Dokument, lokalem Nachrichtenblatt und Indonesien Nachrichtenblatt im Zusammenhang mit der Ost-Timor letzten Tage Situation zeigen wird. Bitte schauen Sie sich das Bild von Indonesien otonom s Osttimor-Referendum Propagandaplakat, die am Osttimor Polizei Sektor (Dr. iwan peivate Sammlungen) am letzten Tag vor der Rückkehr aus Dili Eat Timor gefunden, einen Tag nach Refendum, Bürgermeister Polizei Silvester hatte mir einige gegeben (Siehe Timor portugeus Ausstellung) und Ost-Timor-Bild während der Indonasien-Invasion Ost-Timors, schauen Sie bitte auf die pictyure der Indoneisa Armee Invation der Timor portugeus Fort (später das militärische Ost-Timor Dili Hospital, und jetzt habe ich nicht jetzt die Aktuelle Infos, ich hove die Timor Leset Bürger von Dilli wird uns die Informationen). Ich hoffe, dass die Sammler und historischen Schriftsteller gerne diese seltensten Sammlungen von Ost-Timor-Sammlungen zu sehen, wenn die wollen mehr Infos und Sammlungen in Bezug auf die politischen Sammlungen wie Menschenrecht Protest-Karte oder Briefe wissen, abonniert als prmeium Mitglied und ich zeigen wollen wissen Die sehr seltenen Sammlungen von Ost-Timor, weil in dieser Ausstellung nur ein Teil meiner Sammlungen und nicht politische Sammlungen. Jakarta November 2010 Dr. Iwan Suwandy, der Gründer des Cybermuseums. Rahmen Zwei. Die Osttimor-Sammlungen Die Broschüre des Ost-Timor-Kampfes, um mit Indonesien-Broschüre des Betao-Polizei-Sektors, der Manufakti-Stadt Osttimor zu integrieren, die dem Dr. Iwan durch den Befehl des Sektors gegeben wurde, als er nach Brimob Padang Panjang kam, wo Dr. Iwan im Dienst in diesem Gebiet war in 1981.(Dr Iwan private collections) ill East timor Map on the Indonesian Military Health Assistance s Report 1995(Dr Iwan Private colection) East Timor is a small country in Southeast Asia, officially the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. It comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor, the nearby islands of Atauro and Jaco. The first inhabitants are thought to be descendant of Australoid and Melanesian peoples. The Portuguese began to trade with the island of Timor in the early 16th century and colonized it in mid-century. Skirmishing with the Dutch in the region eventually resulted in an 1859 treaty in which Portugal ceded the western portion of the island. Imperial Japan occupied East Timor from 1942 to 1945, but Portugal resumed colonial authority after the Japanese defeat in World War II . The country declared itself independent from Portugal on 28 November 1975,look at the earlist east Timor pictures collections which giver by native east timor Mayor Pol below : 1.the Goverernment buildings pictures during indonesian invasion (Dr iwan Private Collections, given by native East Timor Police in 1999 before he back to Jakarta, after that day there aere chaos at East Timor) and was invaded and occupied by Indonesian forces nine days later. It was incorporated into Indonesia in July 1976 as the province of East Timor. During the subsequent 24-year occupation a campaign of pacification ensued. Between 1974 and 1999, there were an estimated 102,800 conflict-related deaths (approximately 18,600 killings and 84,200 excess deaths from hunger and illness), the majority of which occurred during the Indonesian occupation. Look at the east timor collections below : 1.The Postal History Collections 1) The Military Postal history 2) The House of delivery postal history(Rumah Pos) 3) The Police Postal History 2.The Staue collections 3. The East timor Song casset collections THE EAST TIMOR REFENDUM HISTORIC COLLECTTIONS On 30 August 1999, in a UN-sponsored referendum, an overwhelming majority of East Timor voted for independence from Indonesia. Please look at the illsutartions of Dr Iwan private referendum document colletions below : 1.The dr Iwan Picture before East Timor Refendum a) at manututo brimob camp b) at Police Hospital Dilli near marcado c) The road to old Dili Market(marcado) d)The east timor Police Resort office atuaro 2.the picture of East Timor Refendum campaign Posters of CNRT in 1999 at Dili (photografer dr Iwan Suwandy) 2.Refendum promotional and guide poster, found at east timor police resort office. 3.The refendum Bailed Out form s sample found at the Police Sector office Immediately following the referendum, anti-independence Timorese militias organised and supported by the Indonesian military commenced a punitive scorched-earth campaign. The militias killed approximately 1,400 Timorese and forcibly pushed 300,000 people into West Timor as refugees. The majority of the countrys infrastructure was destroyed. On 20 September 1999 the International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) was deployed to the country and brought the violence to an end. Following a United Nations-administered transition period, East Timor was internationally recognised as an independent state in 2002. edit Pre-colonial history Main article: Pre-colonial Timor (pre-1515) The island of Timor was populated as part of the human migrations that have shaped Australasia more generally. It is believed that survivors from three waves of migration still live in the country. The first is described by anthropologists as people of the Vedo-Australoid type, who arrived from the north and west approximately 40,000 to 20,000 years BC. Others of this type include the Wanniyala-Aetto (Veddas) of Sri Lanka. Around 3000 BC, a second migration brought Melanesians. The earlier Vedo-Australoid peoples withdrew at this time to the mountainous interior. Finally, proto-Malays arrived from south China and north Indochina. Hakka traders are among those descended from this final group. 1 Timorese origin myths tell of ancestors that sailed around the eastern end of Timor arriving on land in the south. Some stories recount Timorese ancestors journeying from Malay Peninsula or the Minangkabau Highlands of Sumatra. 2 The Timorese were not seafarers, rather they were land focussed peoples who did not make contact with other islands and peoples by sea. Timor was part of a region of small islands with small populations of similarly land-focussed peoples that now make up eastern Indonesia. Contact with the outside world was via networks of foreign seafaring traders from as far as China and India that served the archipelago. The earliest historical record about Timor island is 14th century Nagarakretagama. Canto 14, that identify Timur as an island within Majapahit s realm. Outside products brought to the region included metal goods, rice, fine textiles, and coins exchanged for local spices, sandalwood. deer horn, bees wax, and slaves. 2 Early European explorers report that the island had a number of small chiefdoms or princedoms in the early 16th century. One of the most significant is the Wehali kingdom in central Timor, to which the Tetum, Bunaq and Kemak ethnic groups were aligned. 3 This section requires expansion. edit Portuguese rule The first Europeans to arrive in the area were the Portuguese. who landed near modern Pante Macassar. In 1556 a group of Dominican friars established their missionary work in the area. By the seventeenth century the village of Lifau became the centre of Portuguese activities. In 1702 the territory officially became a Portuguese colony, known as Portuguese Timor. when Lisbon sent its first governor, with Lifau as its capital. Portuguese control over the territory was tenuous particularly in the mountainous interior. Dominican friars, the occasional Dutch raid, and the Timorese themselves provided opposition to the Portuguese. The control of colonial administrators, largely restricted to Dili. had to rely on traditional tribal chieftains for control and influence. 4 For the Portuguese, East Timor remained little more than a neglected trading post until the late nineteenth century. Investment in infrastructure, health, and education was minimal. Sandalwood remained the main export crop with coffee exports becoming significant in the mid-nineteenth century. In places where Portuguese rule was asserted, it tended to be brutal and exploitative. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a faltering home economy prompted the Portuguese to extract greater wealth from its colonies. 4 The capital was moved from Lifau to Dili in 1769, due to attacks from the Topasses. an independent-minded Eurasian group. Meanwhile, the Dutch were colonizing the rest of the island and the surrounding archipelago that is now Indonesia. The border between Portuguese Timor and the Dutch East Indies was formally decided in 1859 with the Treaty of Lisbon. The definitive border was drawn by the Hague in 1916, and it remains the international boundary between the modern states of East Timor and Indonesia. Although Portugal was neutral during World War II. in December 1941, Portuguese Timor was occupied by Australian and Dutch forces, which were expecting a Japanese invasion. When the Japanese did occupy Timor, in February 1942, a 400-strong Dutch-Australian force and large numbers of Timorese volunteers engaged them in a one-year guerilla campaign. After the allied evacuation in February 1943 the East Timorese continued fighting the Japanese, with comparatively little collaboration with the enemy taking place. This assistance cost the civilian population dearly: Japanese forces burned many villages and seized food supplies. The Japanese occupation resulted in the deaths of 40,00070,000 Timorese. Portuguese Timor was handed back to Portugal after the war, but Portugal continued to neglect the colony. Very little investment was made in infrastructure, education and healthcare. The colony was declared an Overseas Province of the Portuguese Republic in 1955. Locally, authority rested with the Portuguese Governor and the Legislative Council, as well as local chiefs or liurai. Only a small minority of Timorese were educated, and even fewer went on to university in Portugal (there were no universities in the territory until 2000). During this time, Indonesia did not express any interest in Portuguese Timor, despite the anti-colonial rhetoric of President Sukarno. This was partly as Indonesia was preoccupied with gaining control of West Irian, now called Papua, which had been retained by the Netherlands after Indonesian independence. In fact, at the United Nations. Indonesian diplomats stressed that their country did not seek control over any territory outside the former Netherlands East Indies, explicitly mentioning Portuguese Timor. edit Decolonisation, coup, and independence After the fall of the Portuguese regime in 1974, independence was encouraged by the new, democratic Portuguese government. One of the first acts of the new government in Lisbon was to appoint a new Governor for the colony on 18 November 1974, in the form of Mrio Lemos Pires. who would ultimately be, as events were to prove, the last Governor of Portuguese Timor. One of his first decrees made upon his arrival in Dili was to legalise political parties in preparation for elections to a Constituent Assembly in 1976. Three main political parties were formed: The Unio Democrtica Timorense (Timorese Democratic Union or UDT ), was supported by the traditional elites, initially argued for a continued association with Lisbon, or as they put it in Tetum, mate bandera hum in the shadow of the Portuguese flag, but later adopted a gradualist approach to independence. One of its leaders, Mrio Viegas Carrascalo, one of the few Timorese to have been educated at university in Portugal. later became Indonesian Governor of East Timor during the 1980s and early 1990s, although with the demise of Indonesian rule, he would change to supporting independence. The Associao Social Democrtica Timorense (Timorese Social Democratic Association ASDT) supported a rapid movement to independence. It later changed its name to Frente Revolucionria de Timor-Leste Independente (Revolutionary Front of Independent East Timor or Fretilin). Fretilin was criticised by many in Australia and Indonesia as being Marxist, its name sounding reminiscent of FRELIMO in Mozambique but it was more influenced by African nationalists like Amlcar Cabral in Portuguese Guinea (now Guinea-Bissau ) and Cape Verde . The Associao Popular Democrtica Timorense (Timorese Popular Democratic Association or Apodeti) supported integration with Indonesia, as an autonomous province, but had very little grassroots support. One of its leaders, Ablio Osrio Soares, later served as the last Indonesian-appointed Governor of East Timor. Apodeti drew support from a few liurai in the border region, some of whom had collaborated with the Japanese during the Second World War. It also had some support in the small Muslim minority, although Mar Alkatiri, a Muslim, was a prominent Fretilin leader, and became Prime Minister in 2002. Other smaller parties included Klibur Oan Timur Asuwain or KOTA whose name translated from the Tetum language as Sons of the Mountain Warriors, which sought to create a form of monarchy involving the local liurai, and the Partido Trabalhista or Labour Party, but neither had any significant support. They would, however, collaborate with Indonesia. The Associao Democrtica para a Integrao de Timor-Leste na Austrlia (ADITLA), advocated integration with Australia. but folded after the Australian government emphatically ruled out the idea. edit Parties Compete, Foreign Powers Take Interest Developments in Portuguese Timor during 1974 and 1975 were watched closely by Indonesia and Australia. Suharto s New Order. which had effectively eliminated Indonesias Communist Party PKI in 1965, was alarmed by what it saw as the increasingly left-leaning Fretilin, and by the prospect of a small state in the midst of the sprawling archipelago serving as an inspiration to independence-minded provinces of the Republic such as Aceh. West Irian and the Moluccas. Australias Labor Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam. had developed a close working relationship with the Indonesian leader, and also followed events with concern. At a meeting in the Javanese town of Wonosobo in 1974, he told Suharto that an independent Portuguese Timor would be an unviable state, and a potential threat to the stability of the region. While recognising the need for an act of self-determination, he considered integration with Indonesia to be in Portuguese Timors best interests. In local elections on 13 March 1975, Fretilin and UDT emerged as the largest parties, having previously formed an alliance to campaign for independence. Indonesian military intelligence, known as BAKIN, began attempting to cause divisions between the pro-independence parties, and promote the support of Apodeti. This was known as Operasi Komodo or Operation Komodo after the giant Komodo lizard found in the eastern Indonesian island of the same name. Many Indonesian military figures held meetings with UDT leaders, who made it plain that Jakarta would not tolerate a Fretilin-led administration in an independent East Timor. The coalition between Fretilin and UDT later broke up. During the course of 1975, Portugal became increasingly detached from political developments in its colony, becoming embroiled in civil unrest and political crises, and more concerned with decolonisation in its African colonies of Angola and Mozambique than with Portuguese Timor. Many local leaders saw independence as unrealistic, and were open to discussions with Jakarta over Portuguese Timors incorporation into the Indonesian state. The United States had also expressed concerns over Portuguese Timor in the wake of the war in Vietnam. Having gained Indonesia as an ally, Washington did not want to see the vast archipelago destabilised by a left-wing regime in its midst. citation needed edit The Coup On 11 August 1975, the UDT mounted a coup, in a bid to halt the increasing popularity of Fretilin. Governor Pires fled to the offshore island of Atauro, north of the capital, Dili. from where he later attempted to broker an agreement between the two sides. He was urged by Fretilin to return and resume the decolonisation process, but he insisted that he was awaiting instructions from the government in Lisbon, now increasingly uninterested. Indonesia sought to portray the conflict as a civil war, which had plunged Portuguese Timor into chaos, but after only a month, aid and relief agencies from Australia and elsewhere visited the territory, and reported that the situation was stable. Nevertheless, many UDT supporters had fled across the border into Indonesian Timor, where they were coerced into supporting integration with Indonesia. In October 1975, in the border town of Balibo. two Australian television crews (the Balibo Five ) reporting on the conflict were killed by Indonesian forces, after they witnessed Indonesian incursions into Portuguese Timor. edit Break from Portugal While Fretilin had sought the return of the Portuguese Governor, pointedly flying the Portuguese flag from government offices, the deteriorating situation meant that it had to make an appeal to the world for international support, independently of Portugal. On 28 November 1975, Fretilin made a unilateral declaration of independence of the Democratic Republic of East Timor (Republica Democrtica de Timor-Leste in Portuguese). This was not recognised by either Portugal, Indonesia, or Australia however, the new state received formal diplomatic recognition from six countries, namely Albania. Cape Verde. Guinea. Guinea-Bissau. Mozambique. and So Tom and Prncipe. Fretilins Francisco Xavier do Amaral became the first President, while Fretilin leader Nicolau dos Reis Lobato was Prime Minister. Indonesias response was to have UDT, Apodeti, KOTA and Trabalhista leaders sign a declaration calling for integration with Indonesia called the Balibo Declaration, although it was drafted by Indonesian intelligence and signed in Bali. Indonesia not Balibo, Portuguese Timor. Xanana Gusmo. now the countrys Prime Minister, described this as the Balibohong Declaration, a pun on the Indonesian word for lie. edit East Timor solidarity movement An international East Timor solidarity movement arose in response to the 1975 invasion of East Timor by Indonesia and the occupation that followed. The movement was supported by churches, human rights groups, and peace campaigners, but developed its own organizations and infrastructure in many countries. Many demonstrations and vigils backed legislative actions to cut off military supplies to Indonesia. The movement was most extensive in neighboring Australia. in Portugal. and the former Portuguese colonies in Africa, but had significant force in the United States. Canada and Europe . Jos Ramos-Horta. current President of East Timor, stated in a 2007 interview that the solidarity movement was instrumental. They were like our peaceful foot soldiers, and fought many battles for us. edit Indonesian invasion and annexation The Indonesian invasion of East Timor began on 7 December 1975. Indonesian forces launched a massive air and sea invasion, known as Operasi Seroja, or Operation Komodo, almost entirely using US-supplied equipment. 5 Reported death tolls from the 24-year occupation range from 60,000 to 200,000. 6 A detailed statistical report prepared for the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor cited a lower range of 102,800 conflict-related deaths in the period 1974-1999, namely, approximately 18,600 killings and 84,200 excess deaths from hunger and illness. 7 A puppet Provisional Government of East Timor was installed in mid-December, consisting of Apodeti and UDT leaders. Attempts by the United Nations Secretary Generals Special Representative, Vittorio Winspeare-Guicciardi to visit Fretilin-held areas from Darwin, Australia were obstructed by the Indonesian military, which blockaded East Timor. On 31 May 1976, a Peoples Assembly in Dili, selected by Indonesian intelligence, unanimously endorsed an Act of Integration, and on 17 July, East Timor officially became the 27th province of the Republic of Indonesia. Although the United Nations had not responded to the Indonesian annexation of West Irian some years previously, the occupation of East Timor remained a public issue in many nations, Portugal in particular, and the UN never recognised either the regime installed by the Indonesians or the subsequent annexation. edit Towards independence Demonstration against Indonesian occupation of East Timor, September 10, 1999. Timorese groups fought a campaign of resistance against Indonesian forces for the independence of East Timor, during which many atrocities and human rights violations by the Indonesian army were reported. The Indonesian army is reported to have trained and supplied militias imported from Indonesia to terrorise the population. Foreign powers such as the Australian government worked to prevent the push for independence, and assisted the Indonesian government in obscuring and discouraging media reporting on atrocities committed by Indonesian militias. 8 edit Effects of the Dili Massacre The Dili Massacre on 12 November 1991 was a turning point for sympathy for pro-independence East Timorese. A burgeoning East Timor solidarity movement grew in Portugal, Australia, and the United States. After the massacre, the US Congress voted to cut off funding for IMET training of Indonesian military personnel. However, arms sales continued from the US to the Indonesian National Armed Forces. 9 President Clinton cut off all US military ties with the Indonesian military in 1999. 10 The Australian government promoted a strong connection with the Indonesian military at the time of the massacre, but also cut off ties in 1999. 11 The Massacre had a profound effect on public opinion in Portugal. especially after television footage showing East Timorese praying in Portuguese. and independence leader Xanana Gusmo gained widespread respect, being awarded the Portugals highest honour in 1993, after he had been captured and imprisoned by the Indonesians. In Australia. there was also widespread public outrage, and criticism of Canberras close relationship with the Suharto regime and recognition of Jakartas sovereignty over East Timor. This caused the Australian government embarrassment, but Foreign Minister Gareth Evans played down the killings, describing them as an aberration, not an act of state policy. Gareth Evans and Prime Minister Keating, along with subsequent Prime Minister John Howard and Foreign Affairs minister Alexander Downer. sought to maintain close relations with Indonesia. Neither Liberal nor Labor ministers challenged the persecution of the East Timorese until the Australian Labor Party member Laurie Brereton spoke out in 1999, and he was quickly discredited by both the Howard Government and Kevin Rudd. 8 edit International lobbying Jos Ramos-Horta. 1996 Nobel Peace Prize winner, former Prime Minister and present President of East Timor. Portugal started to apply international pressure unsuccessfully, constantly raising the issue with its fellow European Union members in their dealings with Indonesia. However, other EU countries like the UK had close economic relations with Indonesia, including arms sales, and saw no advantage in forcefully raising the issue. In 1996, Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and Jos Ramos-Horta, two leading East Timorese activists for peace and independence, received the Nobel Peace Prize . In the mid-1990s, the pro-democracy Peoples Democratic Party (PRD) in Indonesia called for withdrawal from East Timor. The partys leadership was arrested in July 1996. 12 In July 1997, visiting South African President Nelson Mandela visited Suharto as well as the imprisoned Xanana Gusmo. He urged the freeing of all East Timorese leaders in a note reading, We can never normalize the situation in East Timor unless all political leaders, including Mr. Gusmo, are freed. They are the ones who must bring about a solution. Indonesias government refused but did announce that it would take three months off Gusmos 20-year sentence. 12 In 1998, following the resignation of Suharto and his replacement by President Habibie, Jakarta moved towards offering East Timor autonomy within the Indonesian state, although ruled out independence, and stated that Portugal and the UN must recognise Indonesian sovereignty. edit Referendum for independence, violence Main articles: East Timor Special Autonomy Referendum and 1999 East Timorese crisis However in 1999, the Indonesian government decided, under strong international pressure, to hold a referendum on the future of East Timor. Portugal had started to gain some political allies firstly in the EU, and after that in other places of the world to pressure Indonesia. The referendum, held on 30 August, gave a clear majority (78.5) in favour of independence, rejecting the alternative offer of being an autonomous province within Indonesia, to be known as the Special Autonomous Region of East Timor (SARET). Directly after this, Indonesian military-supported East Timorese pro-integration militia and Indonesian soldiers carried out a campaign of violence and terrorism in retaliation. Approximately 1,400 Timorese were killed and 300,000 and forcibly pushed into West Timor as refugees. The majority of the countrys infrastructure, including homes, irrigation systems, water supply systems, and schools, and nearly 100 of the countrys electrical grid were destroyed. According to Noam Chomsky. In one month, this massive military operation murdered some 2,000 people, raped hundreds of women and girls, displaced three-quarters of the population, and demolished 75 percent of the countrys infrastructure (Radical Priorities, 72). On 20 September 1999 the Australian-led peacekeeping troops of the International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) deployed to the country and brought the violence to an end. Activists in Portugal, Australia, the United States, and elsewhere pressured their governments to take action, with US President Bill Clinton eventually threatening Indonesia, in dire economic straits already, with the withdrawal of IMF loans. The Indonesian government consented to withdraw its troops and allow a multinational force into Timor to stabilize the area. It was clear that the UN did not have sufficient resources to combat the paramilitary forces directly. Instead, the UN authorised the creation of a multinational military force known as INTERFET (International Force for East Timor), with Security Council Resolution 1264. 13 Troops were contributed by 17 nations, about 9,900 in total. 4,400 came from Australia, the remainder mostly from South-East Asia. 14 The force was led by Major-General (now General) Peter Cosgrove. Troops landed in East Timor on 20 September 1999. edit The independent republic Xanana Gusmo. first President of East Timor and present Prime Minister. The administration of East Timor was taken over by the UN through the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), established on 25 October 1999. 15 The INTERFET deployment ended on 14 February 2000 with the transfer of military command to the UN. 16 Elections were held in late 2001 for a constituent assembly to draft a constitution, a task finished in February 2002. East Timor became formally independent on 20 May 2002. Xanana Gusmo was sworn in as the countrys President. East Timor became a member of the UN on 27 September 2002. On 4 December 2002, after a student had been arrested the previous day, rioting students set fire to the house of the Prime Minister Mar Alkatiri and advanced on the police station. The police opened fire and one student was killed, whose body the students carried to the National Parliament building. There they fought the police, set a supermarket on fire and plundered shops. The police opened fire again and four more students were killed. Alkatiri called an inquiry and blamed foreign influence for the violence. Relations with Australia have been strained by disputes over the maritime boundary between the two countries. Canberra claims petroleum and natural gas fields in an area known as the Timor Gap, which East Timor regards as lying within its maritime boundaries. edit 2006 crisis Main article: 2006 East Timor crisis Unrest started in the country in April 2006 following the riots in Dili. A rally in support of 600 East Timorese soldiers, who were dismissed for deserting their barracks, turned into rioting where five people were killed and over 20,000 fled their homes. Fierce fighting between pro-government troops and disaffected Falintil troops broke out in May 2006. 17 While unclear, the motives behind the fighting appears to be the distribution of oil funds and the poor organization of the Timorese army and police, which includes former Indonesian-trained police and former Timorese rebels. Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri has called the violence a coup and has welcomed offers of foreign military assistance from several nations. 18 19 As of 25 May 2006, Australia, Portugal, New Zealand, and Malaysia have sent troops to Timor, attempting to quell the violence. 19 20 At least 23 deaths occurred as a result of the violence. On 21 June 2006, President Xanana Gusmao formally requested Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri step down. A majority of Fretilin party members demanded the prime ministers resignation, accusing him of lying about distributing weapons to civilians. 21 On 26 June 2006 Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri resigned stating, I declare I am ready to resign my position as prime minister of the government so as to avoid the resignation of His Excellency the President of the Republic. In August, rebel leader Alfredo Reinado escaped from Becora Prison, in Dili. Tensions were later raised after armed clashes between youth gangs forced the closure of Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport in late October. 22 In April 2007, Gusmo declined another presidential term. In the build-up to the April 2007 presidential elections there were renewed outbreaks of violence in February and March 2007. Jos Ramos-Horta was inaugurated as President on May 20, 2007, following his election win in the second round. 23 Gusmo was sworn in as Prime Minister on August 8, 2007. President Ramos-Horta was critically injured in an assassination attempt on February 11, 2008, in a failed coup apparently perpetrated by Alfredo Reinado. a renegade soldier who died in the attack. Prime Minister Gusmo also faced gunfire separately but escaped unharmed. The Australian government immediately sent reinforcements to East Timor to keep order. The end copyright Dr Iwan suwandy 2010 PS. THE COMPLETE SHOW plese look at Dr Iwan Cybermnuseum, click hhtp:Driwancybermuseum. wordpress dan kiriman dari Eko Prasetyo Liwat Face Book Saya kisah memilukan dari surat yg dikirim oleh komandan Batalion pasukan perdamaian Garuda Indonesia XII Kamboja ttg 4 anggotanya yg terkena ranjau(sesuai kliping berita Surabaya Post,10 Juli 1993)8230luarbiasa. Surat dari UNTAC Camboja, saat ini salah seorang teman saya saat bertugas di Polad SUMBAR Asjkari kakinya hancur kena ranjau sehinngga terpaksa di amputasiSurat dari ABRI, Angkatan Laut Editor menunggu kiriman upload photo dan koleksi arsip terkait sejarah polri terima kasih Restless Leg Syndrome Is Restless Leg Syndrome Keeping You Awake At Night Are you bothered by involuntary sudden movements and spasms in your legs while sitting or trying to sleep Do restless legs keep you up at night causing discomfort and insomnia Canadian researcher discovers how to cure restless legs easily any time the condition affects you without tranquilizers, supplements or dietary restrictions8211guaranteed. Sleep well tonight 8220I cured my Restless Leg Syndrome. You can too I8217ll show you how to cure your Restless Legs anytime anywhere with a 100 success rate.8221 Dear Internet friends, Until a few years ago, I was a long-time sufferer of Restless Legs. Then I discovered a way to eliminate my Restless Leg symptoms immediately and without drugs or supplements. My name is Dr Iwan Suwandy, MHA and I have some information that will show you how to permanently cure your restless legs. As you know, Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition in which your legs feel extremely uncomfortable while you8217re sitting or lying down. It usually makes you feel like getting up and moving around. You8217ve probably noticed that walking around stops the spasms8211until you sit or lie down again. Have a look at this Restless Legs symptoms self-diagnosis checklist. Restless legs affects both sexes, can begin at any age, and unless you do something about it now it could worsen as you get older. Some women experience Restless Leg Pregnancy related symptoms. Restless legs can disrupt sleep, leading to daytime drowsiness, and make traveling difficult but it doesn8217t have to. You can learn to take control and solve the problem anytime, anywhere. Over the next few minutes I want to share with you valuable information that you can use to cure your restless legs. I want to share with you something NEW and IMPORTANT that I have DISCOVERED. FACT: Up to 10 of the U. S. population may have this condition. RLS affects the lives of millions of individuals. You don8217t have to be one of them starting today. Symptoms of Restless Legs You have a strong urge to move your legs which you may not be able to resist. The need to move is often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. Some words used to describe these sensations include: 8220creeping8221, 8220itching8221, 8220pulling8221, 8220creepy-crawly8221, 8220tugging8221 or 8220gnawing8221. Just the thought of it may make you uncomfortable. Your symptoms start or become worse when you are resting. You might be watching television at night with your feet up or maybe the cat has jumped into your lap for a cuddle. But most likely you are trying to sleep and your legs don8217t know it was lights out two hours ago. Your symptoms get better when you move your legs. Walking around seems to help a lot. A quick stretch of the legs and back to bed you might think. But the relief lasts only as long as you8217re moving around. Your symptoms are worse in the evening especially when you are lying down. Activities that bother you at night do not bother you during the day. Your quiet restful time is disturbed by the twitching, creepy-crawling, and pulling in your legs. Restless Legs Syndrome can have a significant physical and emotional impact on your daily life. Lying awake at night trying to sleep while your legs spasm can lead to daytime sleepiness and full blown insomnia. This condition can be very tiresome and reduce enjoyment of life. keywords: 8220restless legs, restless leg, rls, restless leg syndrome, restless legs syndrome, rls syndrome, treatment for rls, requip rls, rls symptoms, restless leg syndrome natural, restless leg syndrome medication, restless leg pregnancy8221 Consequences of Restless Legs Restless Legs can cause depression and anxiety from feelings of loss of control of one8217s own body. You may be struggling with Restless Legs and searching desperately for answers. I can help. I have detailed the true cause of Restless Legs and will show you how to eliminate the tiresome condition whenever it occurs. This condition eventually leads to serious sleep deprivation and insomnia. If it8217s 1:00 a. m. right now and you have to be at work in a few hours do yourself a favor and download this e-book. I promise you8217ll be asleep in 15 minutes or your money back. Some sufferers may be unable to work full days due to daytime sleepiness. Extreme tiredness can put you at risk for traffic accidents. Your work may suffer if you are always tired causing you additional anxiety. Download Cure Restless Leg and you8217ll see an improvement within hours. Your Restless Legs may be so severe that your spouse has banished you to sleeping in the guest room. This report shows you the exact cause and the all-natural solution to stopping the spasms and convulsions. It8217s easy and it works every time8211guaranteed. Custom Foot Orthotics (inserts) Custom Foot Orthotics are specifically designed and fabricated permanent shoe orthotic inserts to assist in restoring normal gait and decreasing the pain of the lower extremity and back associated with poor foot biomechanics. A detailed gait and foot assessment will determine the need for an orthotic. If prescribed, a non-weight bearing casting technique is used as a mold to provide a customized orthotic shoe insert. Referral Process: If referred by a physician a diagnosis should be clearly identified for insurance coverage consideration. Most custom made orthotic foot inserts are not covered by Manitoba Health, but are covered through many private insurances. Check your individual insurance plans for details. Orthotics are ideal for patients experiencing pain with walking, running, sporting activities or prolonged standing. Orthotics are light weight, durable and come in a variety of styles to fit easily into most footwear ranging from dress shoes to work boots to hockey skates. Orthotics provide accommodation of existing foot deformities, provide superior motion control and support, biomechanical correction and shock absorption where needed. Conditions Treated: Many orthopedic conditions require orthotics to improve function. The list is extensive and may include common conditions including arthritis, plantar fasciitis, hallux valgus, pes planus, pes cavus, abnormal pronation and supination, plantar spurs, ligament sprains, achilles and posterior tibial tendonitis, shin splints, metatarsalgia and strains to mention a few. Conditions affecting the knee such as patella femoral syndrome and higher up the kinetic chain including low back pain, can also be improved with customized orthotics. Diabetic patients can also benefit prophylactically to reduce any identified high pressure areas on the plantar foot which can over time lead to skin deterioration, breakdown and possible ulceration Kundalini yoga is a form of physical and meditative yoga that comprises of various techniques using the Prana or life force energy, mind, body and our senses. The Kundalini energy is often represented as a snake coiled at the base of the spine. This yoga gives special consideration to the role of the spine and the endocrine system both essential parts for yogic awakening. There are several means to this goal 8211 through Mantra, through Diksha ( or transfer of Divine energy from Guru to disciple), Kriya Yog, Prannayam, Ras Vigyan (use of consecrated and Samskarised mercury) and even Ayurvedic herbs and potions. Whatever the mode of activation a Guru is a must for during the process as the divine powers in the body come to life they attack the Sadhaks weaknesses like greed, jealousy, infatuation, anger, false ego and other negative traits. Sometimes the struggle between these positive (Kundalini) and negative energies can be so intense that a person may lose balance of mind or his evil traits may appear so magnified to him that he may take to wrong ways in life. The Kundalini is untapped spiritual energy at the base of the spine that can be drawn up through the body awakening each of the seven chakras of the body. Full enlightenment occurs when this energy reaches the Crown Chakra (topmost). Kundalini is one of the more spiritual types of yoga. It goes beyond the physical performance of asanas with its emphasis on breathing, meditation, mudras and chanting. However, it can be very physically intense and appeals to those who are up for both mental and physical challenges. Here are some of the benefits one can derive from Kundalini yoga.- Kundalini yoga helps in the better functioning of the digestive, glandular, cardiovascular, lymphatic and nervous system. 8211 It has a direct bearing with the glandular system and hence can enhance the ability to look and feel great. 8211 It heightens the senses. So, your ability to taste, smell, feel and see with sensitivity are increased. 8211 It helps eliminate and get rid of habits such as smoking and alcohol addiction. 8211 Kundalini yoga helps to enrich your sense of well-being and confidence that comes from the process of self-discovery of your inner self and reaching a relaxed state of mind and body. 8211 It also helps overcome negative feelings and encourages positive attitude and feelings. 8211 You can experience better sense of self-control and, overcome anger and resentment to find inner calm and mental peace. 8211 It strengthens the immune system too and helps you fight off several diseases and keep them at bay. A positive mind is a great weapon against all of them. Some fundamental practices for activation of Kundalini shakti which every aspirant should put to application - 1. First of all the aspirant should purify his body with the aid of Neti, Dhyoti and Vasti. 2. After that, the aspirant should practice eight kinds of Pranayam (Yogic exercises). He may also practice some other Yogic exercises besides Pranayam. 3. Now the aspirant should learn from his Guru the essential mudras such as Mahamudra, Mahavedha, Mahabandh, Viparitakarani, Taran, Paridhan, Yuktichalan and Shaktichalani. 4. The aspirant, having perfected all Yogic exercises should concentrate his psyche on 8216Chakra8217 according to the method of 8216Raj Yog8217. Entire Cosmos is in the human body Yoga scriptures say that the prana-shakti or life force called kundalini dwells at the base of the sushumna, the spinal column, in the muladhara or base chakra of each individual from where it controls the entire physiological system through its network of 72,000 nerves. There are two dimensions to the prana-shakti: at the external level, the life force operates through the sense organs and takes care of our worldly lives at the internal or spiritual level, usually the kundalini remains dormant. Kriya yoga consists of a number of pranayam-based techniques that help in hastening the process of spiritual evolution through awakening of the dormant kundalini with controlled breathing. The practitioner of kriya yoga endeavours to make the pranic energy revolve upward and downward, around the six spinal centres or chakras situated in the sushumna muladhara, swadhishthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddha and ajna. Within the human body, or what is referred to as the pinda, is contained the entire cosmos or Brahmanda: the first five chakras, from muladhar to vishuddha, are the centres of pancha-bhutas or the five elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The sixth chakra, ajna, is the seat of the mind, while the seventh, the sahasrara, is located in the brain, and represents Shiva, the supra-causal state of Consciousness. The seven lokas corresponding to the seven chakras are bhu, bhuvah, swarga, maha, jana, tapa and satya. Paramhansa Yogananda says 8220One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution that half-minute of kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment8230 One thousand kriyas practised in 8.5 hours give the yogi, in one day, the equivalent of 1,000 years of natural evolution or 365,000 years of evolution in one year.8221 Yogananda was ordained by the will of the great Mahavtar Babaji the ever-youthful yogi of the Himalayas to share the ancient kriya yoga technique of attaining Self-realisation with the world. Through kriya yoga the awakened kundalini renders the pinda pure by piercing the chakras. The seeker is then able to enter into deep meditation spontaneously and begins to experience mystic phenomena associated with higher levels of Consciousness. A stage comes in meditation when the seeker starts hearing rapturous divine music called anahada nada that manifests in 10 different forms: chin-chin, chinchina, the bell, the conch, the veena, the cymbals, the flute, the mridang, the kettledrum, and finally, thunder or meghanada. The meghanada, accompanied with the sound of AUM, leads the seeker to nirvikalpa samadhi, the supra-causal state of Consciousness, where the awakened kundalini finally unites with Shiva in sahasrara. The seeker then begins to perceive the scintillating neel bindu, the seed of the universe, which is surrounded by a golden halo tinged with saffron. This sublime experience bestows upon the seeker spiritual enlightenment and realisation dawns upon him that both the perceived, the external universe, and the perceiver, the individual Self, are manifestations of the same Consciousness and that just as innumerable bubbles and waves of the ocean are inseparable from the ocean, so also the entire universe with myriad names and forms emanates from pure Consciousness and is no different from it. At every facility we have the ability to successfully treat various conditions, disorders and injuries from infants to geriatrics, sport injuries to falls, and work injuries to car injuries. We offer excellent pre-op and post-op care BackNeck Pain amp Headaches Vertigo and vestibular rehabilitation Difficulty Walking Balance Issues Dizziness Sports rehabilitation Sprainstrains Post-op Care Specific sports enhancement Geriatric programs FibromyalgiaMyofascial Pain Syndrome Orthotic footwear fabrication Health and Wellness Gym Memberships Personal Training Post-Op Rehabilitation Total Joints Reconstructions Rotator Cuff Repairs Home Health Physical Therapy Kepala Rumah Sakit RS Polri Sukanto Brigjen Agus Prayitno (kedua kanan) 8230 source Thamrin Kompasiana Upaya Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Tingkat I RS Sukanto meningkatkan pelayanan terutama bagi keluarga Besar Polri adalah dengan mencanangkan 3 Zero, yaitu: Rumah Sakit yang dulu dikenal dengan nama Rumah Sakit Polri terletak di kawasan Kramatjati Jakarta Timur ini merupakan Top Referal (pusat rujukan) bagi tidak lebih dari 40 buah Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara yang ada di Polda seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Keinginan untuk me zero kan accident atau lebih dipahami dengan istilah mal praktek sejalan dengan kebijakan Kapolri melalui upaya meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya, melengkapi peralatan medis non medis dan menyusun Stadard Operating Prosedur (SOP). Dengan kerja keras dibawah pimpinan Karumkit Brigjen Pol dr. S Budi Siswanto. MM serta dukungan penuh dari segenap personil. upaya perubahan itu dilakukan secara simultan dan bertahap dalam setahun terakhir. Hasil jerih payah itu membuahkan hasil, Kementrian Kesehatan sebagai pemegang Otoritas Kebijakan Kesehatan Nasional memberikan pengakuan berupa Akreditasi kepada Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Tk I untuk 16 jenis Pelayanan kesehatan. Penyerahan Sertifikat Akreditasi 16 Pelayanan tersebut dilaksanakan bertepatan dengan Peringatan Ulang tahun Rumkit Bhayangkara ke 45 hari Senin 23 Mei 2011. Sertifikat di serahkan langsung oleh Sekjen Ditjen Bina Rumah Sakit Kementerian Kesehatan RI kepada Karumkit Bhayangkara disaksikan oleh para mantan Kapusdokkes Polri dan mantan Karumkit Polri, undangan dari pejabat Rumah Sakit TNI serta stake holders lainnya. Diharapkan dengan Akreditasi yang telah dimiliki, maka zero complaint dapat di minimalisasi, dalam arti kepuasan pelanggan yang menjadi tujuan utama pelayan prima dapat terwujud di seluruh sektor peklayanan pada Rumah Sakit kebanggaan Keluarga besar Polri. Zero cost diartikan bahwa anggota Polri dan Keluarganya diberikan pelayanan gratis tanpa biaya dengan dukungan anggaran dari Mabes Polri, dan pembiayaan ini di dukung subsidi silang dari pemanfaatan kapasitas lebih untuk pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat umum baik, di pelayanan rawat jalan dan rawat inap. Keunikan dari Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara di seluruh Indonesia dibanding dengan Rumah Sakit Umum lainnya adalah dukungan kesehatan terhadap tugas operasional Polri. Seperti kita ketahui bersama, dukungan kedokteran forensik dalam kasus kasus Bom, Teroris atau gangguan kemanan dan ketertiban lainnya. Anda jangan kaget bila menemukan ruang perawatan khusus untuk pasien dengan status tahanan jaksa atau tahanan Polri di rumah sakit ini. Dibagian belakang Rumah Sakit terdapat pula Ruang untuk meng - identifikasi jenazah korban bom atau korban yang berkaitan dengan bencana. informasi dari rumkit bhayangkara polda PADA TAHUN 1995 SAMPAI 1996 SAYA BERKELILING INDONESIA UNTUK MENGUMPULKAN DATA GUNA MENYUSUN SEJARAH PUSDOKKES(SAAT ITU MASIH DISDOKKES) DAN JUGA MEMPERIAPKAN RENCANA PEMBANGUNA RUMKIT BHAYANGKARA SERTA PENGESAHAN RUMKIT BHAYANGKARA NERSAMA SRENA POLRI SAAT ITU PAK bIBIT KE KEDIRI, LUMAJANG DAN NGANJUK. ke aceh, medan, sumbar, jambi ketemu pak sjafrizal, dan Palembang TERNYATA SEKARANG RUMKIT-RUMKIT TERSEBUT SUDAH BERDIRI SELURUHNYA, TAHUN 1999 BERSAM bERIJEN POL Dr Pamuji dan Klo Pol Seno melihat pembangunan RUMKIT POLDA SEMARANG SAYA SUNGUH SANGAT GEMBIRA DAN BANGGA ATAS PERJUANGAN ADIK-ADIK SAYA, SELAMAT RUMKIT BHAYANGKARA, TAK LUPA SALAM UNTUK dRG pETER SAELANGI DENGAN rS mAPAODANGNYA mAKASSAR, JUGA TEBING TINGGI, ACEH DSBNYA. TERKENANG RUMKIT BHAYANGKARA DILI TIMOR LESTE(SAAT ITU TIMOR TIMOR) YANG HABIS DIBAKAR SAAT PASCA JAJAK PENDAPAT, SAYA MENGUNJUNGGI RUMKIT BHAYANGKARA DILI BERSAMA PAK MOSSADEQ YANG SAAT ITU KADISDOKKES BALI, DAN SAAT INI SUDAH PURNAWIRA DENGAN PANGKAT IRJEN POL JUGA dr BOEDIONO DULU DI SOLO, KABARNYA SEKARANG KABIDOKKES JAWA TENGAH BAGAIMANA DENGAN RUMKIT BHARAYANGKARA SEMARANG, MASIH ADA YANG SAYA TAK DAPAT INFO YAITU dr DIDIET SPTHT YANG SEBELUM INI KETEMU DI MAKASSAR DAN SUMBAR SAAT INI ADA DIMANABEGITU JUGA DENGAN RUMKIT BHAYANGKARA JAYAPURA PAPUA BARAT. Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Fasilitas Kesehatan Polri seluruh Indonesia Kacab JR Hadiri Bhakti Sosial di RS. Bhayangkara Bengkulu Jasa Raharja Beri Bantuan Kepada Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda Lampung Untuk Pengadaan Alkes 9 November 2011. editor15 Jasa Raharja Cabang Lampung menyerahkan bantuan untuk pengadaan Alat Kesehatan (Alkes) kepada Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda Lampung, Selasa tanggal 8 November 2011. Bantuan sebesar Rp. 50 Juta diserahkan langsung oleh, Ismail, SE, MM. selaku Kepala Cabang Jasa Raharja Lampung kepada Kabid Dokkes Polda Lampung, AKBP Dr. Rini Mulyawati, MM. di Kantor Jasa Raharja Cabang Lampung. Usai acara penyerahan bantuan, Kepala Cabang Jasa Raharja Lampung yang didampingi oleh beberapa Staff-nya berharap mudah-mudahan bantuan tersebut akan dapat membantu pihak Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara dalam melengkapi sarana dan prasarana dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Atas nama Jajaran Polda Lampung Kabid Dokkes Polda Lampung, AKBP Dr. Rini Mulyawati, MM. yang saat itu didampingi oleh Kepala Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda Lampung, Kompol Dr. Robert Tanjung, menyampaikan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan setingginya kepada Pimpinan dan Jajaran Jasa Raharja Cabang Lampung yang telah turut serta berpartisipasi memberikan dukungan maupung bantuan dana guna peningkatan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Mudah-mudahan apabila kondisi memungkinkan bantuan seperti ini juga akan diberikan oleh pihak Jasa Raharja dimasa-masa mendatang. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, bahwa Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda Lampung selain melayani kesehatan bagi para Anggota Polri dan keluarganya, juga melayani pasien umum yang ingin berobat di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara. Bahkan korban kecelakaan lalu lintas juga tidak sedikit dirawat di Rumah Sakit tersebut. Apalagi antara Jasa Raharja dengan pihak Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara memang sudah menandatangi Perjanjian Kerjasama dalam rangka memberikan kemudahan kepada para korban kecelakaan lalu lintas terutama dari kalangan yang kurang mampu. (Humas JR Lampung Akhyaruddin) Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Losarang Dinas KB Gelar Operasi Tubektomi Gratis Kepedulian Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Losarang Indramayu dalam memfasilitasi kegiatan pengobatan gratis bagi peserta Tubektomi layak kita berikan apresiasi positif. Pasalnya kepedulian dan perhatian Rumah Sakit milik Polri ini dalam memberikan pertolongan dan pengobatan gratis terhadap masyarakat Indramayu bukan hanya kali ini saja, melainkan kegiatan yang sama pula sering kali dilakukan . Seperti yang terjadi pada Rabu ( 211) Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Losarang Indramayu ( RSBI ) kembali menjadi lokasi kegiatan bakti sosial untuk pengobatan gratis bagi peserta Tubektomibekerjasama denganRumah Sakit TNI. AU dr. Salamun Bandung, BKKBN Propinsi dan Dinas Keluarga Berencana (KB) Kabupaten Indramayu, even baksos secara gratis bagi ratusan warga di Kabupaten Indramayu untuk operasi tubektomi khususnya pelayanan Metode Operasi Wanita (MOW)bagi usia subur dan Metode Operasi Pria (MOP). Kepala Dinas Keluarga Berencana Kabupaten Indramayu Drs. Ari Nurzaman melalui Kabid Pengendalian Keluarga Berencana pada Dinas KB Kabupaten Indramayu Tri Nani R. ditengah-tengah kegiatan baksos di RS Bhayangkara Losarang (211) menjelaskan, dipilihnya RSBhayangkara Losarang pada kegiatan ini, karena rumah sakit milik Puddokkes Polda Jabar tersebut dinilai memiliki fasilitas lengkap, baik petugas medis yang terlatihmaupun kesiapan dari pimpinan rumah sakit tersebut. Hal lainnya yang menjadi alasan kami memilih kegiatan ini di RS Bhayangkara, karena Kekuatan itu didukung pula dengan adanya alat lavaroskopi untuk sterilisasi alat-alat MOWMOPmilik RS Bhayangkara bantuan dari BKKBN Pusat. RSBhayangara itu memiliki segalanya untuk mendukung suksesnya pelayanan KB berkualitas serta mempunyai visi yang sama untuk percepatan pelaksanaan revitalisasi program KB dalam menekan laju pertumbuhan penduduk. ujar Tri Nani. Seraya ditegaskan pertumbuhanpenduduk di Indramayu yang begitu cepat harus dikendalikan secara komprenhensif melalui kontinuitas kegiatan pelayanan KB, Ungkapnya. Dijelaskan kegiatan kali ini, pihaknya menargetkan 2OO akseptor baru MOW dan MOP pasangan dari usia subur yang mempunyai minimal tigaanak. Sebab, mereka penyumbang terbesar peningkatan angka kelahiran yang akan menambah jumlah penduduk di Indramayu. Kegiatan baksos kali ini kita harapkan bisa menekan angka kelahiran dan kematian ibu melahirkan. terangnya. Kepala Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara LosarangIndramayu Kompol dokter Asep Hendradiana Sp. An. M. Kes menyatakan, kesiapanya untuk terus mendukung suksesnya program KB daerah, Provinsi maupun Nasional. Dukungan yang diberikan RS Bhayangkara terhadap kegiatan ini, tidak saja saat diadakannya even-evennasional. Tetapilebih dari itu dengan memberikan fasilitasi dan pelayanan berkualitas secara menyeluruh kepada masyarakat luas sebagai akseptor Keluarga Berencana tandasnya. Menurut Asep kegiatan baksos yang kita gelar pada saat ini, adalah salah satu bagian dari kegiatan hari jadi Indramayu yang ke 484 tahun 2O11.Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga masih dalam rangkaian hari kesehatan nasional jelasnya. Seraya ditegaskan, kegiatan bakti sosial semacam ini adalah bagian dari kegiatan rutin kita yang biasa kita lakukan baik dengan BKKBN Provinsi maupun dengan Dinas KB Kabupaten Indramayu. Oleh karenanya kata dr. Asep, prinsip kita diminta atau tidak diminta, kita selalu siap untuk mendukung program pemerintah dalam hal pemberdayaan perempuan, untuk membantu masyarakat memberikan pertolongan kesehatan. Sepanjang kita mampu, Insya Allah saya siap untuk memberikan pertolongan yang terbaik terhadap masyarakat Indramayu. tandas dr. Asep. (H Yonif) Rumkit Bhayangkara Tk II Sartika Asih Kabid Dokkes Surabaya, Seruu 8211 Untuk membantu proses pencarian dan identifikasi korban pesawat Sukhoi di Gunung Salak Bogor Jabar, Polda Jatim mengirimkan anggota Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Biddokes ke Polda Jawa Barat. Kabid Dokkes Polda Jatim. Kombes Pol Budiyono melalui Kabidhumas Polda Jatim, Kombes Pol Hilman Thayib di Mapolda Jatim, Kamis(1052012) mengungkapkan bahwa di Polda Jabar nanti, Dokkes Polda Jatim akan bergabung dengan tim DVI dari Polda lainnya yang sudah dikerahkan oleh Mabes Polri. Identifikasi korban kecelakaan pesawat terbang ini lebih mudah identifikasi dibandingkan kecelakaan laut. Kalau penumpang pesawat terbang ada data manives penumpang yang tercatat, ujar mantan Kapolres Banjarmasin ini Kombes Pol Hilman Thayib menjelaskan bukan satu kali ini saja Polda Jatim mengirimkan tim DVI ke wilayah lain untuk identifikasi korban laka angkutan. Sama seperti proses identifikasi jenazah korban tenggelamnya kapal imigran gelap di Trenggalek, Polda Jatim mendapat bantuan dari Mabes Polri dan polda sekitar. 8220Kemarin kita dapat bantuan kontainer pendingin dari Polda Jateng dan Mabes Polri,8221 jelasnya. Sekedar diketahui, sebuah pesawat penumpang Sukhoi Superjet 100 dari Rusia dilaporkan kehilangan kontak dan jatuh di sekitar Gunung Salak, Jawa Barat dalam penerbangannya dari Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma menuju ke Pelabuhan Ratu. Dimana pesawat itu membawa 46 penumpang dan 8 di antaranya berkewarganegaraan Rusia. Yud KABID DOKKES POLDA PAPUA KOMBES POL dr. RAMON AMIMAN Polda Malut Silatutahmi Ke Kantor JR Ternate Kabid Dokkes Polda Malut AKBP Dr Sanjalah 16 Januari 2012. Cab. Jawa Tengah Kepala Perwakilan JR Ternate, Masril Hulima, menerima kunjungan Kabid Dokkes Polda Malut AKBP Dr Sanjalah, beserta para dokter kesehatan Polda Malut Malut, Senin pagi (160112). kunjungan silahturahmi oleh kabid Dokkes ke Jasa Raharja merupakan rangkaian untuk memperkenalkan diri sebagai pejabat baru dijajaran polda Malut sekaligus membahas kembali kerjasama dibidang kesehatan, penanganan korban kecelakaan dan membahas program-progran kerja sama kedepan yang dituangkan dalam bentuk Mou. Suasana pertemuan cukup akrab, canda tawa, dan saling tukar pengalaman kerja mengisi pertemuan yang berlangsung selama satu jam. sebagai balasan kujungan, kaper Jr Ternate waktu dekat akan mengunjungi Rumah Sakit Polda Malut sekaligus melihat fasilitas fasilitas penanganan korban kecelakaan yang ada. akhir petemuan Kaper Jr Ternate mengucapkan terima Kasih atas kunjungan kabid Dokkes Polda Malut Ke kantor Jasa Raharja Ternate, semoga kemitraan antara Polda Malut dan Jasa Raharja Ternate semakin solid di Tahun 2012. (Humas JR TernateJoko Saputra). Kabid Dokkes Polda Gorontalo, Berkunjung ke Jasa Raharja Dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, khususnya korban kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan dan penumpang umum didarat, laut, dan udara, serta untuk meningkatkan kerjasama antara Jasa Raharja dan Biddokes Polda Gorontalo, pada hari Senin tanggal 9 April 2012, Kabiddokkes Polda Gorontalo, AKBP dr. Sudaryono, berkunjung ke Jasa Raharja Gorontalo dan diterima langsung oleh Kepala Perwakilan Gorontalo, Salim Cadullah, diruang kerjanya. Dalam kunjungan tersebut, diawali dengan ucapan terima kasih kepada Kabiddokkes, dimana kunjungan ini adalah kunjungan yang pertama, dan tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan kerjasama diantara kedua mitra kerja. Dan dalam pembicaraannya Kabiddokkes menyampaikan bahwa dalam waktu dekat ini, Polda Gorontalo akan membangun Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda Gorontalo, dan nantinya kerjasama dengan Jasa Raharja untuk menangani korban kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan akan ditingkatkan. Kaper, menyambut baik dengan rencana Kabiddokkes Polda Gorontalo, untuk membangun Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda Gorontalo, dimana dengan adanya Rumah Sakit tersebut, seluruh korban kecelakaan lalu lintas akan semakin mudah teratasi, disamping adanya Rumah Sakit yang lain. Diakhir kunjungan, Kaper mengucapkan terima kasih atas atensinya, dan kiranya rencana untuk membangun Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda Gorontalo, akan terwujud. Amin. (Humas JR SulutGorontaloSalim. C) Kabid Dokkes Kombes Pol Drg. R. Agus Sriyanto DFM menyerahkan kepada Kombes Pol Dr Didi Agus Mintadi SPJP DFM. . Kombes Pol Drg. R. Agus Sriyanto DFM akan menduduki jabatan sebagai Kabag Binopsnalmed Pusdokkes

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